Florida Lottery “Play For Education” Campaign

The assignment for the 2015 SJ&P Florida Lottery Internship Team was to increase awareness of the Florida Lottery’s cause of supporting education with the residents of Florida by sharing the stories of those impacted by the Lottery’s support.

We were responsible for the following three things:
1. Uncovering current knowledge and attitudes Floridians (consumers and students) toward the Florida Lottery concerning their contributions to education
2. Establishing the OGSM, and budget necessary (not to exceed $150K for production and paid media), to meet those goals of the channels identified and
3. Creating a content collection strategy plan, develop supporting creative executions and corresponding outreach

Here is our final keynote presentation & our campaign book if you would like a further look 🙂

SJ&P Interns Final Presentation

Florida Lottery Campaign Book


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